O Lord, give me the confidence...

Post second wave feminism dating is terrible for men and women alike. As a general matter, someone has an issue if they’ve not been married by 30. The issue could be that their values don’t fit in with the unhealthy culture. More likely, it’s because they themselves have taken part in that culture. To my regret, I am an example of the latter case.

It’s tough to not feel bad for unmarried women in my age group, mid to late 30s. I have several female friends who now find themselves competing with women a decade younger and facing time restraints on starting a family. Many were sold a lie that they can focus on being a career woman to the exclusion of anything else or, worse, they can “explore” and later will have plenty of time to marry.

Don’t get me wrong, men are sent the same unfortunate message. The difference is we don’t have biological clocks. Further, a well established mid to late 30 something guy will be highly attractive to a mid 20s woman who has her head on straight. The inverse is not true.

So, mid to late 30s something women end up having to go for the goobers they would roll their eyes at in their twenties (if they didn’t, they would have already married one) or older men who have likely already been married.

Sad world.

/r/CatholicDating Thread