OAC, why is no one talking about it? Am I just a noob? Looks like an easy 200-400% return

I am a woman. I was going through a horrible phase of anxiety (mental health issues are up like crazy right now because of covid)... So I looked into a medication called propranolol (beta blocker). Because I knew it would take weeks to get this beta blocker from my doc, I came across hers (the counterpart site of Hims). I filled out a questionnaire, got prescribed, and received my medication within 5 days. Zero human interaction. It was insane & amazing. Now, months later, all of a sudden I’m hearing my favorite podcasts advertise about them.... just a little anecdote. I think I want to open a position in OAC. Especially with news of them merging or something. I am a noob.

/r/SPACs Thread