Obama administration formally supports nationwide gay marriage

What are you talking about. The unemployment rate is at 5.5%, which is the lowest its been since before the financial crisis, and nowhere near the highest it's been in 40 years. Yes, unemployment rate isn't necessarily the best indicator of how healthy the jobs market is, but what you said is blatantly false. We're in the largest stretch of job creation in the past two decades (http://www.wsj.com/articles/jobs-report-u-s-adds-295-500-jobs-unemployment-falls-to-5-5-1425648924), although wages certainly need to improve as well.

Not only that, but the US has recovered from the recession faster than any other advanced country: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/jul/23/barack-obama/obama-us-has-recovered-recession-better-almost-eve/

I don't know what your specific situation is regarding healthcare (have you checked if you're eligible for subsidies?), but anecdotally, I was able to get a covered california plan for HALF the price of the cobra plan that was offered to me when I left my last job.

To speak more broadly, the uninsured rate has been dropping steadily since Obamacare was implemented. (http://www.gallup.com/poll/168821/uninsured-rate-drops.aspx). You'd think that if healthcare was really as unaffordable as you say, people would just pay the tax penalty, which would be a lot less money than a year of healthcare. And, there seem to be some indicators that Obamacare is helping reduce healthcare spending (http://qz.com/259066/americas-great-healthcare-hyperinflation-is-over/), although it's certainly not the only factor.

And, finally, to address your horrendous statement at the end, I think we always should worry about the civil rights of our citizens. They should be able to commit themselves to one another legally, have visitation rights when some one is sick, and be allowed to work and live without fear of persecution. Also, you don't seem to understand what homosexuality is... gay people identify with their biological sex, but are attracted to others of the same sex. What you described is transgender.

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