Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

An average President? Yes. Great? Not a chance.

President Obama threw away his chance to be a great President the moment he embarked on a litany of outright capitulations, not compromises mind you, to neoliberal/Republican stupid during both terms. He was elected to champion meaningful economic reforms that would restore the middle class, but prioritized health insurance reforms instead at great expense to the middle class. He also protected/enriched the financial industry bankers who caused the Financial Crisis, a special interest group which has been championing decades worth of national income/wealth redistribution from the middle class to the nation's oligarchs. The fact that he attempted to force an expansion of Free Trade on this country after that policy has diminished most Americans was an epic betrayal. He also presided over the loss of the Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate and a humiliating across-the-board Democratic defeat in the 2016 general election. Last, but certainly not least, he stepped aside and allowed what appears to be a Russian asset to assume the Presidency rather than suspending the transition of power until that potential threat was fully investigated and the matter settled.

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