Obesity isn't your fault, and the only way to fix it is surgery

I feel like this is a common narrative in weight loss discussions. I've never had WLS, but I listen and read some media about it because I find weight loss and obesity really fascinating. I've certainly heard experts (scientists, researchers, doctors) saying that WLS is the most successful weight loss intervention and that behavior changes usually fail. It doesn't mean that the mechanism of CICO is incorrect, because obviously reducing calories below TDEE causes weight loss. But it's that behavior change is very hard to practically implement, and it seems like most people aren't able to stick with it long term. It's just really interesting to me, and I'm not totally sure how to address it. I do wonder if would be better if there were more of a social push to stigmatize overeating/indulgence and more social support to lose weight. The way society has pressured and supported smokers to quit. I think our current food environment in the US makes it really easy to become overweight or obese.

I personally lost 50lbs and have been maintaining that weight loss for about half a year. I haven't had the things that experts cite as being side effects that reduce compliance to a weight maintenance/weight loss routine. I haven't had additional cravings, higher appetite, or increased tiredness/reduced body motion. As far as I can estimate, my TDEE is higher than TDEE calculators estimate for someone with my stats. But I started as an overweight person (BMI 29), and I only lost 50lbs compared to like 100lbs. So I don't know if it would have been worse and harder to maintain if I had lost more.

/r/fatlogic Thread Link - archive.is