The objectification of women on reddit.

Idk how to link comments yet, so I'll just copy mine from somewhere else on the thread. Another woman has had similar experiences with few men around them being better.

"I'm sorry you've had such a shitty experience. It doesn't help your part of a generation with men who weren't properly held accountable for their sexist behavior. My mom is about your age and is finishing up a settlement regarding the exact topic!

In my experience as an older gen Z (22): The young men/boys today are, on average, taught a lot better than those of previous generations. It still varies wildly depending on where you live. Here in Portland the men are likely better on average than those in deep red / bible belt states. We're asking an entire "culture" of shitty men to change, and unfortunately it's probably going to take a long time..."

I feel like my sentiment still applies here

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent