Observations of data mined from KotakuInAction Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

I am a person, in general, who is ok with being criticism and changing. I think it's ok to expect criticism to be :

  1. timely

    1. specific and
    2. offered in good faith with a remedy proffered.

    I've changed a lot about how I post for here, and they have been good changes, for me. The world really didn't need me to make five hundred jokes at the expense of Cernovich's failing steroidy masculinity, or make assumptions about his varying states of sanity.

And I am also a person who has supported the crap out of Wu from the onset, and feel for her profoundly. My posting history will support that I have tried to help from the onset.

But these bi-monthly 'Oh no faux manic pixie twitter user Maddy Myers, who does not post here and seems to know nothing about what happens here' are starting to really fuck me off, too. Her complaints are not timely, not specific, and seem to be much more about raising someone's profile than trying to improve things. I've really had enough. I can't actually figure out why they are taken seriously. It's starting to feel a tad...emotionally abusive, frankly. Everyone scrambles to please her non specific angry complaints because...???? well, I don't know why. I really don't.

The mods here are amazing and work their asses off to stop any transphobic comments dead in its tracks. I have seen them do this again and again and again, and they even have a reputation for banning any kind of hate. I love that. I think they're great, and I have no idea why we're supposed to hate the job they're doing whenever Maddy Myers decides she's mad at us again in a non-specific way, with no remedy offered.

I'm probably going to delete this. It bugs me, this whole thing. But I wanted to tell you you're not alone in your feeling about the forum in general.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Parent