Obsessing over obsessing? I really need some input!

Exposure is mainly used to calm anxiety down, and give a person more time to practice resisting compulsions. It's misinterpreted a lot in OCD treatment.

The goal of treatment is to not care about your obsessions. When you get random, intrusive thoughts in your head, and they don't give you anxiety, and you don't care and are able to move on with your day, then you're likely treated. Some people want to eliminate their obsessions, and that likely won't work. As you continually get your brain in the habit of not reacting to your obsessions (including not avoiding them), it will begin getting used to this.

However, for some people, their obsessions do not come up that much. As a result, it's difficult to get your brain in the habit of not caring about them, since you don't face them that much. This is one reason why a person should intentionally expose themselves to it. A second reason is if a person really fears and constantly tries to avoid their obsessional content. Doing so will build up anxiety, and the person needs to face this fear so their brain will get bored of that exciting, painful feeling.

Chances are, you don't need to intentionally expose yourself to what you obsess about, unless you are facing anxiety. If you feel really anxious, then yes, expose yourself to the anxiety, but that's it. You most likely don't need to keep bringing up your obsessions, unless that really works for you.

Accept obsessions as is ("Maybe I am a pedophile, maybe not", "Maybe my OCD is active right now, maybe I'm treated, who knows!"), stay exposed to anxiety, resist compulsions (analyzing obsessions, reassurance, constant questions, etc), and stay active while you do these things (getting outside, hanging out with friends, listening to music, etc). Staying active is important. I don't know how much you really analyze or think about how OCD makes you feel, but I notice a second feeling along with anxiety. It's a negative, depressing feeling. Although you do want to stay exposed to anxiety, you don't want to stay exposed to this negative feeling. Getting out or doing something enjoyable is how you can help remove this negativity, so you not only feel better, but so that depression does not develop (this is just a guess, I do not know if that is what develops depression, but from my own experience it seems to).

So to apply this to your situation.. when you get these questions, just let them sort of float through your brain and don't answer them. Then, do something! Keep active and move on with your day.

/r/OCD Thread