[OC] Countries with GDP per capita (PPP) higher than $50k.

Again you are wrong. I pay about 35-40% taxes. I added them up 2 weeks ago from my paystubs. I make 40k a year. 23% income tax, 10% sales tax, and various other taxes Ipay of cigarettes and gasoline, and licenses and cell phone stuff, it comes to around 35-40%. Also before you say refund, I got back 500 dollars in taxes from last year.

Im not even counting the many taxes everywhere else, and Im not counting inflation which basically cut my wages back to what I was making like 10 years ago.

Im not really sure why you are arguing with me, im not lying, and im not trying to win, im just telling the truth. Im not sure where you are getting your information from but it is wrong. Also 35-40% is fairly average for European countries, but i still have to pay really high amounts for health insurance and I dont have any public transportation infrastructure, I dont have any assistance for college or child care. I cant get food stamps, even when i was making 300 dollars a week raising two kids, and I cant get unemployment between jobs, because somehow i either get denied or they fuck it up and expect me to spend dozens of hours again tring to fix it. In fact, I dont really get a damn thing for my tax money, because I cant even afford to keep a car running anymore. No, instead my government is more concerned with taking all my rights away and stirring up hatred against me instead of actually fixing anything. Ill just watch them fight over abortion and trans rights because thats what the government actually does. Stick their nose in shit the government has no place in, instead of actually trying to help the little guy.

You can just look at your pay stubs and get a calculator and figure your tax rates, its not that hard. Again im not sure why you are arguing with me, because im not lying. All i said was I find it hard to believe that the median income is 57k. I know a couple of people who are like 60+ years old, who make that kind of money, and I know many people who make a fairly standard 15-22 dollars an hour even with overtime. I know my state is poor, but I bet half of the states have similar incomes. All I know is you cant believe anything you read online nowadays. You need to do your own research if you want the truth. Dont look up tax rates, just get your pay stub and add up your biggest taxes, and see for yourself. If i owned a home in most states that tax rate would actually be a lot higher.

Also your number of like poor people paying 2% of the taxes, that is completely absurd. Very few corporations actually pay taxes beyond sales taxes and some stuff here or there. They are set up specifically to never really make a profit on paper. Yes they do pay some taxes but they always operate under debt tax free because thats the purpose of a fiat currency, to sip wealth away from people who use currency to favor those who use debt. The fact is the common man pays all the taxes, directly and indirectly. They are taxed heavily with many different taxes, even their property is taxed. They are taxed by capitalism paying them the lowest wage possible, and giving all profits to the wealthy. They are taxed by inflation, which is still, probably higher than reported, and they are taxed by poverty and ignorance because they never get a proper education or really have any means to actually own land and be a free person, but instead a wage slave who cant even get a chair at work, because their bosses get pissed when they sit down.

A renter used to be called a serf. Markets are natural things, capitalism isnt some great invention of mankind. Markets just exist but people will try to trick you into thinking they invented markets and free enterprise or something. Its just a stupid ideology to brainwash people with, just like communism and fascism and whatever else. I seriously urge you to just find out the truth for yourself. Sit down and do some middle school math, its fun, i do it all the time. You will be amazed just how much you are lied to about such simple things that are easily proved. Like your tax rates. They know most people will just google it and assume they are right, because people are lazy and dont verify anything.

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