[OC] COVID-19 US vs Italy (11 day lag) - updated

I think this is a terrible attitude..

I went to the doctor twice last week and got almost exactly this advice, and ended up in the ER on friday. My O2 was low and my metabolic panel showed results all over the place. If I'd stayed home another night, I might have ended up with heart damage, brain damage or worse. They gave me a COVID-19 test and treated me with antibiotics for bronchitis, and I am now slowly recovering.

I ended up testing negative for COVID-19. If we had testing capacity they would have found that out on my first trip to the doctor and we would have been focusing on the real possible issues on my second trip, instead of being advised to go home. If I tested positive, that would be the right advice, but right now doctors are flying blind.

We should be testing everyone with symptoms. We can't right now -- we don't have the capacity -- but we should.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it