[OC] I hope you find this one more beautiful than the last - updated table on time to brute force passwords

You really cant brute force to your hearts delight, nowadays. Hence iPhones cant be unlocked even by government agencies. The trick, most times, is not to hack the password, but instead go for the security questions. You would be surprised of how you can reset someone's password by what they post in social media. Heck, in my cyber security class, we hacked our teacher (this was a challenge by the teacher himself) by creating a fake(free trial) account in Ancestry(dna website) and we posed as family of my teacher and it gave us a lot lot lot of information on him. Armed with info there, we reset his own password, and voila! The email was hosted by Google, btw, and even though you cant try more than 5 times on the password, the security questions were fair game! Lesson, from me, dont use that one password for every account you have(if one database is hacked, your whole life is hacked). And dont post anything in social media.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it