[OC] Tesla is NOT bigger than the next 10 biggest automakers put together. I've compressed its rise over the last seven years into a minute. Enjoy!

I own a small number of Tesla shares, but most of my Tesla investment is through ETF’s and funds. I’m fully prepared to see the stock drop. I’m pretty young and fresh out of college, so I’ve been investing my non-needed income. I don’t see Tesla as a bad investment since I am young and can accept a lot more risk than someone closer to retirement. And I’m in it for the very long term, I don’t plan to withdraw until at least 10-30 years later. I hope Tesla can continue to leverage its decade of experience over ourself automakers wel into the future. And as I get older my strategy will change to follow suit. However this stratospheric raise does send off alarm bells for me, that is true.

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