OC tournament #3 "Team survival" Winners and Strawpoll to improve my next tourney

I'll give a few specific examples and explain how they show problems in the format of the tourney itself

Serge vs Gou

  1. Healing in between matches: Serge had an ability called Red Giant, which was essentially an all-in type. Huge damage at the cost of nen in his arm. This ability led to victory for Team A, as shown by these quotes from the voters/discussion:

    According to the consensus, Serge pretty much used Red Giant, and one or BOTH of his arms should be nen-less. But in the next match, he was completely healed. This means that ANY FINAL, ALL-IN ABILITY.........no matter how seemingly horrible the consequences....gets healed before the next match.

    Given this, EVERYONE should have final all-in abilities, and EVERYONE should use them EVERY match. There are no consequences when your character is completely healed each match.

  2. Getting your desired outcome means NOT voting using the system.

    Do you think that Team A BAAAAAAAAAARELY beats Team B? Too bad, all votes are 100% clean wins. Despite all-ins, or despite suicidal/sacrificial tactics, ZERO damage is passed onto the next fight. So if you thought that Serge is the ONLY survivor, you should vote for Team A. BUT. If everyone thinks that Serge is the only survivor, so everyone votes for Team A...what do you get? Both members of Team A go onto the next round with full health, both members of Team B die.

    Now, think to yourself: "I think that ONLY Serge will live. How do I achieve this outcome? Well if 3 people are voting for Team A, and you think Team A should win, but with only 1 survivor, then you should vote for team B.

    how ridiculous is that? You have to vote against your actual belief so that your expected outcome is what happens.


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