Ocasio-Cortez doubles down on Biden keeping Emanuel out for 'covering up a murder'

Sorry, I couldn't reply for a while because if a lot of people downvote you, Reddit doesn't let you answer comments or questions. Which I'm pretty glad for, to tell you the truth, because I think it's a pretty good way of demonstrating exactly how big a load of horseshit this "Democrats are qmore tolerant of criticism than conservatives" rhetoric is. Pretty funny to see a point undermine itself so immediately!

In the meantime I was at least able to reply to the other person who asked the same question before you did, but without the condescending.

It's also funny, the assumption you jumped to is so obvious, maybe you'd be surprised to know I voted for Bernie in both primaries, and Biden was one of my last choices if I'd gotten my way. But there's just no time for this childish, pouty intransigence, and AOC has revealed herself as someone with no plans, no leadership skills and no ability to get things done in the timeline we need to get them done in, and if anything she's making it more difficult with relentless intraparty fights usually based on some shit she heard on Twitter (which, coupled with her public declaration / whining that she may quit politics outright, says she's very far removed from any real power, and her only remaining idea is to continue doing what got her elected, pandering to her Very Online fanbase, which is already showing diminishing returns as she underperformed Biden by about 10% in her own district).

So please see my other reply if you want a start, or just pay attention to the nonsense she tweets, like this breathless little bit of dipshit hyperbole from just yesterday:


/r/politics Thread Parent Link - haaretz.com