Ocasio-Cortez says Dems are 'sitting on our hands' on impeachment

Republicans aren't Americans, they're traitors. Traitors who are using this buffoon to get the laws their owners want passed. They think trump can be controlled, that they can keep control.

You know who else thought they had things under control?

"President Hindenburg and his chancellors could not lift Germany out of the depression. Their popular support began to shrink. In January 1933, Hindenburg and his advisors decided to make a deal with Hitler. He had the popularity they lacked, and they had the power he needed. Hindenburg’s advisors believed that the responsibility of being in power would make Hitler moderate his views. They convinced themselves that they were wise enough and powerful enough to “control” Hitler. They were also certain that he, too, would fail to end the depression. When he failed, they would step in to save the nation. But they were tragically mistaken."

I know trump isn't as smart as hitler, but you never know what can happen.

Julius Caesar was loved by the soldiers and the common people, but despised by the upper class for how he came to power. 

Caesar founded new settlements for the  veterans of his army. He distributed land to around 20,000 poor families that had three or more children. To deal with widespread unemployment, he offered people jobs in public works like the reparation of ancient cities. He mandated that large landowners were to have at least one-third of theirlaborers as freemen instead of slaves, thus reducing unemployment. He cancelled a whole year of rent for low to moderate dwellings giving much needed relief to poor tenants. He increased duties on luxury importsto make the rich pay for their lavish lifestyles and to encourage domestic production. Caesar also cancelled the interest due since the beginning of the civil war which ultimately eliminated about a fourth of all outstanding debt.

A year after, he was assassinated. By who? Senators/nobleman. Why? My guess, aristocrats got tired of getting fucked by Caesar and killed him. Moral of the story? Rich VS Poor since ancient times. Poor people too busy trying to survive, while the rich gaslighting them until something happens ( revolution, civil war, assassination) It is usually violent.

Julius Caesar has nothing to do with Hitler, just a story I wanted to add

/r/politics Thread Link - edition.cnn.com