OCD and Solipsism, how do I overcome this? (Long post, sorry)

Yeah, actually now that you say it, "intolerance" isn't quite the right word. It's definitely like catastrophizing and viewing the .00001% uncertainty you have as if it is closer to 90% uncertainty. It definitely distorts your perspective.

But about Descartes: Yes, he is of course widely regarded, but just about every philosopher believes his method of Cartesian doubt was extreme. They believe it was a useful tool to get Descartes and every philosopher afterwards thinking about epistemology in certain ways, but you won't find many philosophers believing we can only know something if it is logically necessary. In fact, that's probably not what "knowledge" means. We have knowledge about many facts of the world even though they are not logical necessities.

Cartesian doubt was a crucial stepping stone in epistomology. It got us thinking in certain ways and that is why it is so highly regarded, but it definitely is not something to be applied to everyday life, at least not to its full extent.

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