Oculus, first partners with Facebook, now Microsoft and adopts a few habita from them. I find the way this goes disturbing.

I'm tired of this knee-jerk reaction bullshit surrounding Oculus.

Why does everyone think that because they were bought out by Facebook that they became some greedy corporate fucks who only want to get rich. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Why the hell would they go to all this trouble then to make what is arguably the best VR experience to date?

Face it, how many people on Mac and Linux would actually buy a VR headset?

I'm confused as to what you mean by "They are locking competition from everywhere"., especially with the Vive. By that logic, Valve is locking out competition from Oculus. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that it's from Valve, and they can't do anything bad can they? Nah, they've never done anything that could be considered anti-consumer.

Seriously, how the fuck is this different from Valve's headset? Really, think about it.

Oh and just to clarify while I brace for the downvotes for actually using my fucking brain and thinking: Valve's headset looks awesome. It does really, but many of these accusations are the same thing for Valve's headset. Also, let's keep one thing in mind. The face that neither of these headsets are released yet, and not all information is out there about them. Save your judgements til the end folks.

If it seems like I'm pissed off, it's because I am. I'm fucking livid, because so many people on here just jump to the conclusion that since Oculus got bought by a huge company (which let's face it, they wouldn't have been able to make a good VR headset and get is shipped out without doing that, and made it stay for years to come) that they are now just greedy fucks who only want to milk you for all the money you got.

Give them a chance for fuck's sake.

/r/pcgaming Thread