Oculus Is Offering A $250,000 Grant For Perception Research

Since they aren't published yet I won't go into too much detail or my findings but:
My first experiment used a wide curved screen that occupied the human whole FOV. I looked at self-motion perception with different distances traveled and speeds. Importantly I varied how much participants could see by blocking either central or peripheral information (there was also a full field control). With my screen and FOV I was able to look much further into the periphery than past studies which tended to ignore (or be unable to test) much of the peripheral visual field. I did something similar to this Pretto but using different equipment and methodology... My second set of experiments concerned how self-motion is affected as you are tilted relative to gravity. Using a fully immersive environment I was able to control where participants perceived as 'up' so that 'up' was always above their head even when they were actually lying down (so they are lying down but think they are standing). This allowed me to be sure that participants visual experience was the same and that results were due to something else, such as gravity cues... or possibly depth perception changes... that will be one of my follow up studies!

/r/oculus Thread Parent Link - uploadvr.com