Odd phrasing, but ok.

That PDs often get "old“ military equipment isn’t helpful also.

But hey, it’s in the constitution that people have to own have the right to own weapons. Therefore the police has to assume everyone they engage is armed and therefore could shoot them.

Or in other words:

A guy with a machetes is running towards two police officers. He is 20 meter (60-65 ft) away.

How will the police officers react in different countries. Let’s assume at this point, he was already warned and the officers have the guns already in the hand and aimed towards him but he keeps running.

Will they a) shoot him in the chest / head b) aim for his legs to disable him c) giving warning shots / split up and try to use tazer & co.

Most officers in 1st world countries would more tend to option B than A. Or not?

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