Off-Season Open Discussion Post - September 30, 2018

I just really wanted, somehow, to thank Aquaria.

My mom, her boyfriend and her boyfriends daughter took me to dragcon to try to bond with me. We got there super late so I couldn’t do anything, but I just decided to go along with following what his daughter wanted since I enjoyed all her excitement (shes 15 and loves Katya+Trixie). She knew I loved Aquaria and Kameron the most because I identified with them. I’m a quiet guy, don’t like to impose, etc and that often gets misunderstood until peopld get to know me. Anyways, I saw Aquaria walked around on break and was happy just to see her up close. I walked away and my mom’s boyfriend’s daughter kept pushing me to try to get a picture with her. I kept saying no, but my mom managed to get a busy Aquaria’s attention.

Aquaria was nothing but wonderful and kind. I am truly grateful. I just wanted to share this story.

Also the receipt:

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread