[Off-Topic] Daily Chat: 2018-12-25

So apparently I have a girl who is sort of stalking me. A month ago I got a call from a girl, I thought it was my sister so I answered really friendly to her saying "what's up", welp, I was quite shocked to find out I was talking with a complete stranger. So then she says "Want a blowjob?" And i'm like, 100% sure it is one of my friends prank-calling me.

But then she keeps calling for the next week, maybe once E3D. And now a month after she suddenly wrote in the middle of the night. Guys, this shit does not happen to me, I have no loose ends so no idea who this could be. She knows some insider-words from medical school, so perhaps it is someone I have seen at school, but like, the fuck, this shit is so weird.

Not sure what her end-game is, she is sending me pictures of a girl that is not her (a friend of mine knows the girl she is pretending to be, lol, the fuck is up with that, and assured me it is not her for sure). Shit is weird yo.

/r/steroids Thread