[Off-Topic] Daily Chat: 2019-05-15

So we’re moving a Vue code-base and a large Jasmine/Karma Test suite (1,200+ tests) over to React Native and I was tasked with being the lead on creating a migration strategy to see what we can salvage moving the tests over to Jest + Enzyme w/ Cavy. Honestly, I think almost all of them are going to have to be converted manually especially due to the levels of abstraction and how they’re doing user flows. Don’t think jest-codemods will help much at all. Has anybody experienced this? I feel like my solution is wrong, but there’s not many answers online specifically to this scenario (I’ve read all of the Jasmine -> Jest articles) and I’m not exactly an expert on BDD. I have to present my strategy to the application director tomorrow and it’s pretty stressful to say the least lol.

/r/steroids Thread