[Off-Topic] Daily Chat: 2020-12-29

I feel kinda bad about it, but I'm thinking of breaking up with my new gf.

It's been a while since I dated someone, but I feel like this is a kind of "come one, come all" where it's a function of me being good looking enough now to generally get women and she was just the first that showed up.

This chick's great to talk to and she has good genetics, but my god is she unhealthy. Something like 50% of her calories come from wine, the other 50% come from carbs. She has absolutely no muscle at all whatsoever anywhere on her body. When I fuck her, it doesn't even feel like vagina. It feels like literally nothing. It feels like I'm just thrusting my dick into empty space.

I was wondering before like, what's wrong with me? Why can't I orgasm inside of her. I think it's just that her vagina is has absolutely no muscle and no definition of any sort. I tried to invite her to the gym and get her to start squatting, but she's not into it. I bought her some protein powder so that she can get her daily recommended amount. We'll see if she actually eats it, but I think she's just gonna continue being anemic.

I think she was a really good practice run since I've been on monk mode for a couple years now, but I can't deal with this shit. This girl is very unhealthy and it while her body looks good in clothes from across the room, all I can see is how weak her physique is and it's causing problems for me.

/r/steroids Thread