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Similar thing is happening to me. I think I even replied to your original post on a different, now deleted, account. Pretty long story but she sent me threatening stalking texts (which were somewhat justified because I was seeing another girl at the time) and suddenly she texts me yesterday over Whattsapp. I have a different phone but same number.

Blocked that Bitch so fast. She's hot but don't stick your dick in crazy.

Also she's 6 years older than me. Why the fuck won't she just leave me alone. She is the definition of resentful stalker. Not nice to get texts trying to blackmail you about telling work family or girlfriend.

We met she was so drunk she didn't remember our conversation. She collapsed on me in the street and I hailed a cab to her flat then left. Text and met up with her next day to give her back her keys and get the taxi money then we hung out and kissed. Few days later she texts me my Facebook and a pic with a girl. I tell her the truth and she gets spiteful, says I took advantage (we didn't fuck, my decision, she was too drunk). Thought it was over but now she won't leave me alone. Legit scared of her.

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