Get. It. OFF. Yo. Chest.

i have been working at my local best buy for 9 months. for 9 months i have worked my ass of for best buy and asked for nothingbin return but my pay of course. today i got passed over for a promotion and after evaluating in my head the only thing i can think is that i am a guy. that might sound stupid but i work in operations(customer service) and typically they seem to want to keep it a fairly female place because frankly yes women are nicer to interact with than men usually. i dont want to take away from her getting the full time job because shes great but shes only been working in ops for 5 months. I am pissed off because they didnt even do interviews or ask if i was still interested ( i had shown previous interest last time they considered hiring another fulltime back in febuary. i had only been there 4 monts so i understand me not getting it then) i feel like my managment team may have just swept me off to the side for no reason. thanks for listening. any advice or comments would be helpful. also grats on the job girl.

/r/Bestbuy Thread