GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST! - For the week of October 21, 2018

My last dollar?? I bought this laptop a year ago you bumbling imbecile. I was homeless by choice because I was traveling the entire continent. I have a job and I’ve signed a lease and I move in at the end of next month, not that it’s any of your business? If it was my last dollar then how do I pay my phone bill every month? How have I eaten every day for the last year if it was my LaSt DoLlar? Do you understand how fucking stupid you sound? Assuming the lives of strangers?? I bought a computer with GOOD SPECS. Just because it was a gaming laptop doesn’t mean it can’t run anything else?? It was the only laptop in their entire store that had a Solid State Drive. So since it’s a gaming laptop I don’t deserve to take classes on it? But it would have been ok if I spent $1,500 on a regular-looking laptop of the same price/specs? You’re an insecure, childish fucking pussy.

/r/Bestbuy Thread Parent