Offer: Graduated high school on Friday, so I'm paying it forward!

  • You've probably already picked your major, but even if you have, really think about if it's something to enjoy. No ifs about it, you will do much better in your studies if it's something you enjoy. Motivation does not come out of thin air.

  • Yes, as others have said, go to class. But don't phone it in. If you have class, say, three times a week, make sure to participate at least 1/3 of those days. You could just ask a question, it's to ensure that when the prof is sitting down to do final grades, he gives you that bump for participation.

  • You absolutely can skip class if you feel like shit, but only if you have a "study buddy" willing to not only provide notes, but also teach you.

  • When you are in class, the best place to sit is what they call the T formation. The first front rows and down the middle. The placement will naturally make you focus better, and the prof will likely see you, and if you're participating, it will definitely help come final grades or if you ever need a recommendation.

  • The key to doing well on exams and never getting overwhelmed is to study your class notes a few hours after class, and if you can, read ahead a few hours before class. Obviously it it's an 8am class, read ahead the night before. You should already have an outline of what they're going to teach you before they teach you.

  • Be a "no thanks person" when it comes to people handing you things like glasses of something, pills of something, and also flyers you don't want.

  • Be a "yes person" when people offer you opportunities. Especially job opportunities. As long as it doesn't sound dangerous or cut into class time. That weird job where you're shaving cats for a weekend could very well lead to connections for a career. But don't take a solitary job where you're in the middle of nowhere...

That's my situation right now. I'm not going to die or anything, but if you appreciate my bullet points, then a pizza would be great. Have fun in college!

/r/RandomActsOfPizza Thread