Office workers of Reddit: In your workplace, who is "that guy", and what does he do?

Fucking Evan. He's a fellow summer intern so at least I don't have to work with him much longer. Now, I work in a pretty relaxed place. Like wear jeans to work, co-workers bring in their dogs , there's always food in the break room kind of place. My problem with Evan is that he's fucking gross. Some examples:

He regularly picks his nose, rolls his boogers in his fingers, and occasionally puts his hands in his mouth

He gets ecstatic when he sees dogs. Now, that wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't literally yelling for the dogs to come to his desk and playing fetch with them.

He is always on the hunt for free food but has never brought anything in. Someone brings in donuts? He has 4. Someone brings in chocolates for the communal bowl? He takes them by the handful. He actively looks for things in the break room and is always asking if things are "fair game"

He never washes his hands or uses hand sanitizer. Again, wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't spending all day playing with the dogs, being licked by the dogs, picking his nose, and then putting his hands in communal food bowls. I have brought food in and refused to take home the leftovers because I was so grossed out by the contamination.

He never talks to the rest of the interns. We'll all talk as we work and have gotten to know each other over the summer, but Evan actively ignores us. His few contributions are limited to sucking up to the bosses and making comments that make us feel uncomfortable.

I may just be cranky because I've been fasting the last couple of weeks, but I swear to God I hate him. This last week when he's been on vacation has been the best of my internship, hands down.

/r/AskReddit Thread