Officer chocking a guy for no reason. He was later charged with resisting arrest.

If everyone's attacking an issue that isn't there, or at the most a small part, how will the larger issues actually causing the problems going to be addressed? Most of it causes more divide, not only between the races, but also within them.

Exactly what I'm about. Racism is a symptom of a larger cause, that is Classism

A lot of the police in the areas you're talking about are very ethnically diverse.

A lot of the ethnically diverse characters are either silenced, or removed when they speak out against the corrupt behaviour of their coworkers

If anything it's poverty stricken areas that are being over policed.


Everyone paints a picture of black and white, but that isn't accurate at all.

Agreed, though Black often are overpresented in these conversations for systemic reasons.

Screaming racism evertime we something horrible happen, or even just using it as the largest cause, isn't achieving anything.

Nail on the head. When people cry wolf all the time it's nearly impossible to take people seriously in cases when it unequivocally a legitimate concern.

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