Officers kill man with no active warrants in wrong house

I hate to shit in everyone's coffee. But "Anecdotal evidence" was what the other guy used to "prove" that gang neighborhoods are better than cop neighborhoods.

And "a few bad apples spoil the bunch", could easily be said about gang members.

I have some anecdotal evidence of my own to add. Grew up in a cop-heavy town. Got arrested many times as a teen for marijuana, because they profile the heck out of teenagers in that town(no real crime, so they go hard against weed, and speeding). People in that town were more scared of the cops than of anything else. That includes Al Qaeda, ladders, and nuclear warfare(which all seemed like unlikely ways to go... but getting pulled over was a common reality).

Then, I got addicted to hard drugs. Went to a "Gang neighborhood". Once again, I was less scared of the gang members(which often had visible pistols in their pants), and had bandanas, and dirtbikes. This is because gang members don't want to get a reputation for hurting people(except they go HARD against muggers... because they also don't want to be known for allowing their customers to get mugged).

So I started to think the same thing (GANGS>POLICE). But, then I started to realize that while I liked the gangs... the people who lived there, and WEREN'T a part of the gangs FUCKING HATED THEM. The gangs stole their young sons(and daughters) off the streets, in their early teens, warping their brains(the seeds were already implanted by people like Jay Z). The people who actually LIVED in the ghetto(many for decades, or their whole lives), and were raising children HATED gangs. And they called the police to get them to stop creeping down their block all the time.

Gangs treat people who it is financially smart to treat nicely, nice. Cops do the same.

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