Official Discussion - Avengers: Infinity War [SPOILERS]

Okay so that ending was nuts but I want to go back to the beginning for a second

When we first see Tony and Pepper he talks about the dream he had that was like "When you have to pee in a dream and you wake up and actually have to pee" then says he had a dream that they had a kid and asked her if she is pregnant and she says no she isn't but let's say that she is either lying for some reason or she doesn't actually know she is pregnant but is because why have that conversation if she isn't? So lets go to the end where, as the movie states many times, half the living beings have died in the universe. So if half of the people are dead that means that there is a 50-50 shot that Pepper lives AND a 50-50 shot the baby lives so that means there is 75 percent chance one of them has died. Let's take it a step further and say it is Pepper who dies but not the baby, this would mean that the young unborn baby would fall from the dust of Pepper and ultimately die but the body would still be there. I definitely don't think this would happen on screen but it could be something that Tony talks about and would be so fucked up but is definitely a possibility

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