Official Discussion - Men [SPOILERS]

The movie was good and it was thought-provoking. Yes, there are people getting weirdly defensive about it. I also think it is entirely fair to critique the film for evoking a feeling in women - or all of us really - to be afraid because you are threatened always by people/men acting out of your control. Was that the ONLY takeaway? Of course not, but the most prominent, memorable, mindbending sequence of the movie exists to make it clear all these mafuckers harbor the same flaws and potential to ruin your life. It doesn't feel like a stretch to focus on that as one of the major thematic elements in that same vein. On the whole, I still liked this movie but would at least make a cogent point on the side of those who are defensively complaining about the on-the-nose institutionalized misogyny themes.

What this film lacks IMO is an equally important highlight of women's control over their own lives rather than dramatically reminding them/us that this is a generational, persistent, and unchangeable men's issue only, therefore treating women as if they apparently have zero agency in life. This is strangely infantilizing in its own way and I was unsurprised to see this movie was made mostly by... men.

The movie poses a simple question: wouldn't it be nice if 'men' in an institutional sense weren't this way? I think that is needed and also think it would have coupled nicely with showing 'women' in an institutional sense being able to fill a gap as a group of people who can do things to others, both good and bad, rather than only having things done to them as if they are children. So, bottom line is, I think this movie reminds us all that we are destined to be victims of men, which makes for a great existential horror flick I suppose since it forgets to remind us that we still have control in many important ways. Importantly, these two concepts only work well when put together, else you either take agency away from women, or you victim-blame them. Hell, the main character almost entirely disengaged from being in the movie once the shitshow at the end started - it would have been nearly the same thing whether she was there or not there, which I find to be the biggest weak point of this film both narratively and thematically.

/r/movies Thread