[Official DMSA Statement] DMSA is preparing bankruptcy proceedings against Evergrande

I swear we live in the most insanely stupid timeline holy fuck I just want to rip my brain out of my cranium and throw it at a speeding dump truck fuck fuck fuck

Look at all the comments up and and down, all pushing this idea, from one little nobody fucking source. And that other guy sharing the who-the-fuck-knows Dr. Whatevzer.

Up and down just fucking idiocy. And you just know deep down, all of this is forced, and pushed, by fucking assholes who try to mold our minds and make us make bad decisions and lose faith and hurt ourselves.

I fucking hate then, PR, marketers, shills whatever you fucking call them, and the day their chaos-sowing will come back and burn a hole through their liars mouths will be a day when maybe, maybe we will be back on the right timeline.

Holy fuck I hate them.

/r/Superstonk Thread Parent Link - dmsa-agentur.de