The official Reddit app has changed its font.

You're crazy if you think votes means you get to speak for the sub.

If everyone is downvoting you, then who exactly wants you here?

Being a subscriber means what exactly?

Who do you consider the people in this sub, if it's not people who post or vote or are subscribed?

It's like you're gatekeeping this subreddit against everyone who's active here.

Where did you even get the impression that I was speaking for the sub in the first place?

I never had that impression. Where did you even get the impression I had that impression?

Why I keep saying flybys is because you people never show up here, you only show up when there is some drama.

This is what "being a subscriber means", actually. I'm here pretty much daily.

And I've genuinely never seen any drama here before. Looking at your history, it seems like you get into "drama" every time you post. If you smell shit all day, check your shoe.

Where were you when you were subscribed for so long to comment on the other posts that are on this sub?

I usually don't have anything to comment.

Why all of a sudden this one when sure as hell it's not even interesting to the majority which would explain the vote count?

I replied to your comment because I had something to comment.

And while the majority of users who saw the post chose not to upvote it, almost everyone who saw your comment chose to downvote it.

But yet you're here not even addressing the content but actually only here to prove a point by replying to my comment only? Why?

Because I have nothing to say about the content. I did have something to say about you.

/r/typography Thread Parent