Oh god

Hey man, good for you for finding yourself. I live my life non-religiously but believe that there is a biological (best word I can think of) state of existence in forms of energy that exist on planes of space & time that coexist and transcend our own existence.

Be they God or Ra, I simply think that the history of religion is merely mankind’s interpretation of beings made of pure energy of whoms realm far transcends our own understanding. Drugs like DMT I feel give us a glimpse into such existence.

What really makes me think on terms of this is early depictions of angels. Here is a modern rendition of so. I truly believe that there just may be a science behind spirituality that we simply are not advanced enough to understand. I once took LSD while watching Interstellar. (and while I know it is not scientifically accurate, the whole getting passed the singularity in the black hole gets me thinking in a very fluidic manner.)

Sorry to rant about something that has little to do with the original reply, but I love talking about this stuff to leftists of whom are spiritualistic. In my experience, they seem to be the most open to my interpretations.

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