Oh the Holocaust, oops slipped my mind

(I’m not saying you’re not Jewish but let’s just say In the past I have found several accounts falsely claiming to be Jewish in order to discredit other Jews so...)

How dare you. Zionism is the only thing keeping us alive. Jews like yourself are in the clear clear minority as Zionism is prevalent among the vast majority of Jews and Jewish communities throughout the world. That is a google-able fact. Zionism is our only hope to stay alive. We have an army and borders, we can fight instead of walking

כצאן לטבח

Like cattle to the slaughter house like we’ve done for our entire history.

Zionism claims no specialty or difference, Zionism simply claims that we have a right to autonomy and to self defense. To the contrary, it clearly is us putting our foot down and demanding equality.

According to your logic, feminism isn’t about equality either.

Fuck out of here.

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