Oh how ironic

Source on socialist? I have seen the original image reposted all week, but the new caption seems like bullshit:

  1. The “joke” is obviously that stock market manipulation is the most capitalist thing in the universe, but Americans label everything they dislike as communist. Whoever thought the screen-cap needed clarification likely missed the joke in the first place... perhaps in their enthusiasm to own the libs.

  2. Self-identified socialists usually do know the difference between socialism and communism. That misunderstanding comes up when right-leaning Americans are trying to paint any undesirable (or even left-of-center) position as “communist.” My guess is the yellow text was meant to shift the butt of the joke from a clueless neo-McCarthyite to a dumb leftist, but...

  3. How many self-identified online socialists are also openly playing the stock-market for lulz?

/r/confidentlyincorrect Thread Link - i.redd.it