Oh my god this might be the Tuesday

My comments keep getting removed for mentioning verboten topics.

I plan to keep my head down and stay out of busy public places this week, maybe the next couple of weeks. There are so many things escalatory things happen at the same time and tensions are going to start boiling over.

The former president getting indicted and likely arrested, and the unrest that will follow as a result. A big time, country-wide court is making a decision about a topic-drug that people are already on edge and deeply divided about. Foreign bad man is now officially wanted and his country is has been openly aggressive with the US. Massive protests and potential infighting in countries famous for croissants and dreidels (sorry). The list goes on.

Some people are going to lose a lot this week, normal working people. Some will lose their retirement accounts. Some will lose their jobs. There will be all kinds of ways that people will lose, and some people will get desperate too. We are sitting on a powder keg and a lot of sparks are starting to go off.

But also, the powder keg has fins and a nose cone and is really a rocket too. Still, have to be careful around it.

/r/Superstonk Thread