Oh no! diversity!

So, I have to be that asshole but… are we just not allowed to have any white dominated media ever now? Am I the only one who thinks that the idea of having 1 white person, 1 Asian person, 1 black person, etc etc in so many current stories isn’t just unrealistic, but that it actually hurts the story?

Take the new Knives Out movie for instance. (Spoilers for Glass Onion) I loved the movie. Everyone was great in it. But I knew that the instant Janelle Monae’s character was introduced, there was no way she was going to be the villain. Why? Because she’s a black woman with short hair. It probably wasn’t going to be the Asian girl either. Oh…shocker. It was one of the white guys all along. Didn’t see that coming…

Obviously that’s not the case here. It’s scooby doo for fucks sake. I just think if they want to improve diversity in hollywood, why not introduce more majority POC scripts, instead of trying to hijack something and turn it into something diverse? More stuff like what Jordan Peele is doing. Honestly, Get Out was pretty prejudiced against white people, but I didn’t mind at all because the movie was well done, had a cast that made sense, and was pretty hilarious. I think Parasite proved that people are willing to watch movies outside of their race and culture.

Obviously I’m not upset about scooby doo lol. Just the notion of remaking classic characters to be different races. Just seems stupid and based in corporate greed / a desire to pander to the current moment.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Link - i.redd.it