Oh shit.


They bomb own building, Film a blockbuster. The crawl of terror, Mother cries a river.

They steal with subprime, The tower fell half blind, Insurance claim half mine.

They frame the fighter, bomb their mother, make land theirs. They catch the leader, trial show for media, hell wait another. They rob with laughter, rape their future, make hell eternal.

They price the sinner but award the liars, They bomb for justice, freedom not for other.

The truth saw a devil, The fake of nuclear, Their justice worst than other, They guilty as murderer.

The world shock with wonder, With their killing of horror. But their leader free as eagle!!! We silence.... kills of others.

No sinner, no chamber, no Hitler, No hear, no see mean no devil? No worries, we have Captain America. (Keep the poem as memories, if one day you remember something call US army)

Dont forget, copy book of life into a pendrive after finish reading the science book, that dont exist in human world.

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