Oh, yeah - those guys

Maybe, but you are the one who started the first personal attack

No, I did not. Maybe it was below the other comment, or maybe he edited it out already. But I did not.

you can't use a couple examples like Hong Kong or California or whatever and say the whole world is like that.

He suggested that charging won't work in cities, I mentioned cities where it worked. He said yeah but it won't work in a Chinese city, I mentioned a Chinese city where it works. He said yeah that city doesn't count so name another one, but I had already stopped responding to him (Beijing has many EV incentives, for reference). And after saying charging doesn't work in cities, he said it doesn't work in spread out places. So I mentioned spread out places where it works. And so on, same story there.

Basically, every time he has been wrong, he has said "nuh uh." And every time he's still been wrong even after that.

You can't just claim that 95% of the world can charge an electric car at home without some solid data providing support

I claimed that 95% of charging events happen at home. This is true and observed by many sources, including Tesla themselves. Common intuition tells you that this is the case, as does the experience of EV owners.

You dismissed people's different opinions as "nonsense" without really reading them

I dismissed them as nonsense after reading them because they are nonsense. If it now looks like I haven't read them, it's because he has extensively edited his comments. You can see multiple comments where the things I quoted were changed after the fact. I am no longer interested in arguing with a person as dumb and dishonest as him, and so I'm not going to edit mine any further in response to his nonsense. And that is what it is.

/r/teslamotors Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com