Oh yes, this is really balanced. Invulnerable :)

Archs not balanced too much abilities put in one character and someone says "Hey he can be countered easily" Just use Gau or something and you think its that Easily if you dont put aside other character put with Arch for example "Kaula" and let me give you an situation Archs has been almost killed by Fluss then activates the passive then your main dps about to cast a fucking strong 3rd skill to kill arch then BOOM KAULAH HEALS INSANE Arch at full health then you try to burst again ow I forgot your DEAD already and even your Kaulah can help xD even your defense but are useless WHY?? CAUSE HE Ignore your defense so its useless your lucky if the user of the Arch is just dumb you just cast skills without thinking and dont forget the healers and other heroes on that team ...Arch will infinitely live while your being bombarded and you though that cleanse of Gau can easily get you alive dont forget Archs does have other skill to kill your team instantly your even lucky i archs UW is just no star and worse if its awaken one ....AND IM JUST TRYING TO SAY IS THAT ARCH IS VERY HARD TO DEAL WITH, A GUY WITH ALOT OF ABILITIES IN A SINGLE CHARACTER ,so overpowered with Kaulah and thats being abused in Arena specially in Challenger rank,you can kill arch BUT only you have Hereoes with very strong dmg that can easily burst and having Gau MIGHT give you chance to win but thats not enough, you need also GOOD artifacts, higher awaken UW and Archs not a THREAT on LOWER RANKS but its totally DIFFERENT in Challenger ranks top 100 and Master ranks top 50.This base on experience and your lucky if its a dumb user of Arch and Yesss people will say Its Easy to beat Arch just blah blah blah but it doesn't change the Fact that Arch abilities are to much and very difficult to deal with But Dont worry guys who hate Arch and those who use him that someday he will be.....ehehehehe xD cause the devs are unpredictable you know.. the most use heroes today might become the most unused heroes tomorrow uhmmmm Example DIMAEL xD everyone was not expecting that but not saying his useless but definitely his thumbs down right now because of his EDGE has been taken away. So don't be down people so called meta is always changing and evolving with future heroes coming and with their very Complex abilities ..who knows how mess up the future Arena will be.

"Archs already OP himself but dont forget other factors too cause it will be the other reason of your defeat"

/r/Kings_Raid Thread Link - youtu.be