Ohio heartbeat law already causing issues...

Georgia is certainly fucking up. 3 movie production houses have announced they are refusing to do business there. The film industry's a $9.5 billion impact, while costing only $141 million in tax subsidies.

All because trad-cucks want men to be forced to pay child support for a kid that no one wants, but not enough to pay for themselves.

None of these laws stop anything at all in any way. Do they know that Georgia is surrounded by several other states a cheap bus ticket or car drive away? You can leave, get an abortion that afternoon, and be home for dinner and a movie.

I, for one, know everyone will be happier having 40 years of progressive Democrat and feminist control of Washington D.C. because Republicans just can't go back to supporting abortion like they used to before they became the party of theocracy and sky daddies.

/r/MGTOW Thread