OK DnD, what are your tales of That DM?

Pre-game: GM: "I want RP and immersive characters with well written backstories." Us: "Kay. Here they are!" GM: "Oh, and also, I expect to kill a character every session. A game is meaningless without death."

Sessions 1-6 (as in this exchange, or something like it, happened every time we tried to interact with his NPCs): Party: "We're here to RP with you and do your side quests!" Every NPC: "We hate you. You didn't save the vice mayor's cousin's sister-in-law's puppy because you were too busy saving orphans and stopped the dragon from burning down the town. You're all incompetent, why did we hire you?" Party: "But you hired us to stop the dragon..." NPCs: "Doesn't matter. You should have known to save the completely plot irrelevant and previously unmentioned puppy. Enjoy the wanted posters."

Session 7 (only 1 of the original PCs remains. The others have been killed, some players have gone through multiple characters already): Party: "Okay, don't talk to the NPCs. Just get the bare minimum we need to do the job, and do the job." GM: "Why aren't you RPing more? And why are your characters so optimized? That's not realistic at all; you don't get to pick your powers." Player 1: "No, but you DO get to pick who joins your group, and the group wanted to hire someone who's hyper-competent because this world is so deadly." GM: "Still unrealistic that you'd be able to find someone like that just when you need them. But I'll allow it."

Session 8: Party: "Speaking of not realistic...why is it every NPC has perfectly optimized magic gear, but none of it is useful for us?" GM: "Because it's not realistic that everything you fight has gear you can use." Party: "But we're not saying EVERYthing, just SOME things..." GM: "Players so entitled."

Session 9: GM: "So, guys, what are you doing next?" Party: "We think you need a break. Minion's offering to run Savage Worlds."

/r/DnD Thread