Why Is it Ok For a Killer to Win in 5 Minutes but Not Survivors?

5 minutes? Fuck I wish games lasted that long. A gen takes 80 seconds to m1 with good checks to complete. Take into account a survivor hitting greats, carrying toolboxes, perks, and the consistency that skill checks pop it could be done in less than a minute easy.

Now you have 4 survivors to chase and let’s just say you are having a good game(this is absolute best case scenario making no mistakes). Now let’s say you aren’t playing billy, nurse, or spirit(the extremely high mobility killers). You have to find a survivor...could take anywhere from 15-30 seconds depending on the map to just get near a survivor so each survivor should already have 1/4th of their gens completed minimum each if they can at least hit greats. So you finally find a survivor...awesome...that’s one survivor off gens. Now say the survivor has sprint burst and is a very good looper. It’s going to take another 15-30 seconds to hit the survivor if you don’t make a single mistake. So potentially 3 gens could have already popped and 2 more being worked on(especially if SWF) but wait...your still chasing the 1 survivor. So the survivor is hit and now there is more distance between you and him so it’s going to take another 15-30 seconds to hit him again. Potentially you could anti-loop him or the survivor makes a mistake and you close on him at 15 seconds...BAM dead hard...now it’s going to take another 10 seconds minimum to put him back down. You finally hook him and so far the tally is 3 gens complete by the time you can find another survivor because of the time hooking the survivor and moving on to find the next one...all for one hook...unless their team is comprised of nothing but potatoes. Take into account SWF comms and any survivor will know which way the killer is heading so they can run away and the scratch marks will be long gone by the time you get there.

Killers are fucked unless they are playing complete idiots...It’s why I barely play killer anymore after coming back to the game and if I do I heavily screen my lobbies to dodge 3-4 man SWF teams so I can stand any kind of a chance and honestly I’m finding it hard to even play survivor anymore since I just got iron will and sprint burst on my Ash Williams with Kindred and Spine Chill and flew to red ranks without breaking a sweat(and now I have adrenaline because of the shrine). I don’t even bother bringing items in anymore and it’s still easy. It’s that much of a joke.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread