Ok Schaub Fans: I have a legit question for anyone that has bought his merch, because I view it to be just as lame as wearing some other athletes jersey and then fantasizing about said athlete fucking your significant other while you watch it on YouPorn, whilst stroking your RedTube.

Perhaps but I thought a drastic comparison was necessary.

Look, no matter how much I try to break down exactly WHY everyone seems to hate this guy I'm just gonna come off as a hater; in fact the more I try to rationalize the way he's spoken of around here the more counterproductive it will be, I think.

My point is any "good" deeds he's done have been done in service of himself, and as few as those are there are HUNDREDS of examples of him just doing the kinda shit that would pop up over and over in an askreddit thread: "What qualities makes a person seem bad or unlikeable".

There are real reasons alot of people have bad things to say about the guy; beyond that I'll quote Eddie Bravo, "Look into it" and form your opinions once you've seen/heard both the best and worst of him. If you're not a shitty person you probably won't like him after many many hours of getting to know who he really is.

/r/thefighterandthekid Thread Parent