OK, tonight is really the night I do LSD for the first time

I'm guessing it's probably a common dose of around 105ug to 115ug.

The chemical is absorbed the quickest sublingually so keep it in your mouth for about 5 mins. After that, it's all the same. If you happen to swallow the tab (proper name for it), don't worry. You'll still absorb it. It may take another 15-25 mins to kick in though.

You can start drinking as soon as you swallow it. I like to down it with some soda or flavored water. Having a variety of foods and flavors is fun. I usually don't enjoy food until around the 3rd hour at the earliest.

If your grocery store has them, ask for Outshine Popsicles. Watermelon is my fav. Mango and coconut are good too. They are pure fruit juice and delicious! They are a trip staple here.

/r/LSD Thread Parent