Okay bud

Fuck. I never posted shit like this online, but I actually am kind of like this person. I bet this guy had something in his life that burned him and now he's just sore.

When I was a kid my mom used to be really controlling and would beat me a lot and scream at me. When I went off to college she financially controlled me. She payed for my college which was really great, but she only did it so that I would be dependent on her. Then she pressured me into getting a masters degree and a PhD so that I would be financially dependent on her for even longer. Once I got a job she would take all of my money and tell me it's payback for all the money she spent raising me, and she would threaten to withdraw my food, housing, and tuition if I didn't pay her. One time she beat me and then I hit her back because I was bigger. I'm a strong guy and I was pissed off so I hit her really hard and left a mark. She called the police and I was the one who got fucked over in the end. After that I just let her beat me up and I would just lie there taking it. I never felt safe with her and never felt loved.

It left me with a bunch of weird feelings and an inability to trust women. I never buy women free stuff because I'm paranoid that they want to financially abuse me. I feel sorry for guys like this because I know that something must have happened in their lives for them to distrust women so much.

/r/niceguys Thread Link - i.redd.it