Is it okay for me (27M) to text a girl (26f) to thank her that she didnt want to be friends years ago?

I understand your compulsion, as someone with few people on my life as well...

When you meet someone who makes an impact, you want them to know.

In that respect, feel free to reach out and say something like "I appreciate that you showed me xyz and I've grown as a person. I don't want to re-start anything, and I don't expect this to change anything between us, but I want you to know that I learned a lot from our encounter and I appreciate it. I won't contact you again, this is closure for me. "

But don't reach out for any other reason, and don't expect any door to still be open. Your prior behavior was enough of a flag for someone to feel uneasy about you, so there may not be any coming back from that, and that is ok. You lived, you learned, you grew. And you can express gratitude. As long as you are -only- expressing gratitude.

As a woman, myself, I can tell you that anything beyond that one message drafted above... Is a no-go. If you want continued conversation, if you want... Well anything other than sending that and moving on... Do not proceed. Those of us with boundaries have them as a result of very difficult experiences and you...won't Trump that, no matter how well you think of yourself..

If you want to let someone know that they helped you, you can and should. But if it is with other intentions... You aren't different enough for her to be interested, I promise.

/r/relationships Thread