Is it okay to grieve over someone you never dated?

The most dangerous guys are the ones that keep leaving and reappearing, leaving and reappearing - because those guys will waste your life.

You did the right thing. You wished him the best, now you've got to move on. And It becomes easier to do that when you look at it like this - he had a choice, and it wasn't you, he wasn't interested enough in you or the relationship. But not being chosen is gain, not a loss!. I know it doesn't seem that way now, and it hurts but he has actually just done you BIG favour. By not choosing you, he has told you you were always an option, and a better one came along. And likely that better option is gone, so he's reached out again. But the thing is even when he comes back, under no circumstances should you allow yourself to back go to someone who views you this way. The right guy will treat you like a priority and not put you in a position of not knowing where you stand.

/r/dating_advice Thread